Confidence Built on Competence
1607 Coggin Ave, Bwd, TX
CNUDojo Martial Arts academy was established to teach the martial arts to interested students in a strenuous, but fun and safe environment. Our greatest hope is that a student quickly relaxes during training, feeling at home, while still being pushed to grow through the rigors of good martial training.


At CNUDojo we teach functional martial arts in a respectful, friendly, and safe environment. Our highest goal is the growth of our students, training people who may be scared or intimidated by the thought of violence until, through our gentle guidance and growth, they become seasoned combatants who have become comfortable and confident in their ability to defend themselves and others.
We take our philosophy of application seriously because we teach efficient, destructive martial techniques.
We encourage all students to pursue conflict resolution strategies (which we teach) in the event of a verbal confrontation and to seek help from the authorities as a first response, whenever possible. But when a student is forced into violence, we know that we have trained them to confront the aggressor.
They are not toys, but tools, accessed ONLY in desperate need, or in training. A student who consistently violates this principle will no longer be welcome in our Dojo.